The road to success is paved with unforeseen circumstances and events. At Aeffect, we employ strategic workforce planning to help you navigate that road and steer your way successfully through the situations you might encounter along the way. Our proactive search capacities also offer you the ability to change gears enabling you to realise your ambitions with the right key individuals.
We didn't get here by providing theoretical and one-sided advice while sitting around a conference table. Driven by our passion and ambition, we are committed to working together with you. At Aeffect, strategic workforce planning is a modular process within an integrated approach. We believe an investment with this level of commitment is the only way to identify each piece of the puzzle resulting in the overview you are looking for.This overview helps you to minimise costs, making major changes in key positions financially viable. It also allows us to transform your vision into reality by aligning the composition of your workforce with your company's desired direction.
The various modules are strongly interconnected with each other and are integrated into a five-step plan:
- Mapping the external and internal situation and developments in alignment with your envisioned strategy and ambition
- Analysing both the desired future workforce as well as the current workforce
- Analysing the differences between current and future workforce
- Developing solutions for the priorities in your action plan
- Measuring success based on concrete performance indicators
At Aeffect, we don't apply a 'one size fits all' approach to our consultancy. Each organisation has it’s unique wishes and needs. Aeffect provides tailor-made solutions with the implementation of this strategic HR tool.