English version

SWP Plan





Now more than ever before, organisations are realising that they can align the composition of their workforce with their strategic ambition, and are therefore making strategic workforce planning a management priority. However, unexpected and undesirable events can also arise. A key position in your company might suddenly  become vacant without having an obvious alternative available , or you could win a major assignment for which your company lacks the capacity to successfully execute the project. Perhaps your clients are demanding new knowledge and expertise as a result of technological developments, but it looks as if your key specialists won't be able to respond in time.

At Aeffect, we use a strategic workforce plan to create a custom architecture for your company. Together with you we monitor activities on a six-monthly cyclical basis in order to flesh out the details of this structure. You and everyone involved can take pride in having the courage to implement an ambitious and ingenious plan. Our experience has shown that this pride reinforces organisations and supports them in the realisation of their goals, and we in turn are proud to be able to facilitate that.

Initially, Aeffect aims at the key positions in your company and then offers you the option of expanding the scope of the project. For companies, the strategic workforce plan is a clear translation of strategic goals into the necessary professionalism and leadership. As well as creating order in your professional succession structure, this tool will give you greater insight into the potential within your workforce, decrease the costs associated with employee turnover or the loss of key staff, and reduce your overall recruitment costs.

At Aeffect, we use the following tools in our strategic workforce plan:

Quick Scan

To start out, we recommend using the Aeffect Quick Scan to determine the length of the implementation process for your organisation. We designed this scan to quickly and efficiently identify the human resources available within the company and determine which HR processes are already present, and how efficient and coherent they are. After running and analysing the scan, we will discuss the results with you and outline how Aeffect can help.

HR Support

If required, we can provide temporary customised HR support activities alongside the consulting and coaching we offer during the implementation of your strategic workforce plan. At Aeffect, we work closely with many senior HR professionals who have a thorough knowledge of our methods and principles, and who are capable of successfully supporting your organisation.

Online Assessment

 Aeffect is certified in conducting individual or group assessments. We use a leading system of online assessment to provide your organisation with a cost-effective and objective insight into the quality and potential of your personnel.